Hebrews 13:8 KJV!!

✝✡Trust in the LORD with all Thine HEART✡✝


“Yeshua – Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.” ( Hebrews 13:8 KJV )!!birdfly11122355

Jesus ( Yeshua ) Christ LOVES Ye All Forever!!

“Yeshua-Jesus saith unto him, I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE: no man cometh unto the Father, but by Me”. ( Yeshua-Jesus Christ )!! Thus: Jesus Christ is the only WAY to enter into HEAVEN!! ( John 14:6 KJV )!!

✝✡ Hallelujah and Shalom!! Love Always, Kristi Ann✡✝

jspfiAm Yisrael Chai

4 thoughts on “Hebrews 13:8 KJV!!

    • Hiya,

      I’ve had these images for many years!! I don’t remember where I found them!! You can right click and save the images to your computer!!


      Love ❤ Always and Shalom Everyone, YSIC \o/



      • Thank you so much!! I hope you don’t mind me using it on my posting today. I saw your message and changed my picture before it posted. There are so many more that you use that I love!! I really appreciate the offer. I also join you in prayer for this nation. We have to rise up and stand in prayer for this nation, even repenting for others for they know not what they do. Many. many blessing to you, my sister.


  1. As time goes on in this world, I believe that God is placing a higher prize on His relationships with individual people of all nations rather than with any one particular country. Israel will always have it’s place with God, but people of all nations are His first and most urgent concern in my opinion.



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